Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Shelly's Quick Guides (reading Thblog #2)

There is this other article “Shelley’s Quick Guide” is more hefty than the first one. This article is more about strategies, but that's MY opinion. Some of these strategies were downright obvious others I never even thought of.

As I looked through this packet I noticed some techniques I'm familiar with and others, not so much.  I am familiar with the KWL chart.  The KWL chart is one of the easiest strategies possible. Freewrite seems like such an obvious technique to use but I never thought of it. It's about writing your ideas out, what you think the passage you're reading might be about. I am also familiar with the Two-column log. One side of the log with your thoughts of the story and the other side is what the story is actually about.

The Opinionaire  strategies was truly clever. No I never heard of it, Yes I would definitely use it. It's basically a pre-reading technique. Before reading you write questions you would want to know, read and find the answers and then put if you agree or disagree with that answer. QAR seems to be another obvious strategies I never thought of. QAR is a reading and post-reading technique, write questions then the answers once you found them, Think and search (“how is this possible?”). Definitely very helpful. Write your own discussion questions! When you are reading something new ask, what's the purpose?- why is this important?- how can I change this?
Anyway these are just how I am registering these concepts/strategies in my brain, these are my thoughts.

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