Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How to do a close reading (reading Thblog #1)

I was given a article to read called “How to do a close reading”. I actually found this article to be very interesting and helpful. I absolutely love how this article is organized, how every step is numbered. Each step is numbered with the captions underlined.

This article gives us helpful steps on how we can read closely, how we can really pull apart a piece of reading and understand it better. For example number 3, “Sound and Rhythm” how do these paragraphs sound, what literary devices are being used? Is this author using: personification, alliteration,onomatopoeia? What about Imagery? Most of the stories I've read in high school didn't have photos, the setting was painted by words. I had to Imagine with the description I was given, how the place smelt, how it looked, what the weather was like.

How about Syntax? I had no idea what that means so I had to google it. Syntax-the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. Once I got the meaning I realized that Syntax is something simple that most people ignore. Most people don't see how simple and complex a sentence is. I for example would judge a sentence by how boring it is. I never took the time to analyze sentence structure which is one of my writing flaws.

Also, when I scanned through the captions I noticed number 11. Gender?? “My article is a male or female?” I thought to myself. Then I read the questions, “Does this article represent a certain gender’s issue”. As I said earlier this article is extremely helpful. Take the time to actually read these words and try to comprehend it certainly will help.

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