Thursday, October 6, 2016

First Try

Just trying this blog thing out even tho I am probably doing this wrong. But, um hey it's me Amanda! I graduated from W.B Saul High School, surprising enough my major was animal science. I wanted to take pre-vet classes but I was placed in a different class. I spent half  of my senior year with Sheep and Cattle and the other half with horses. I had to look after the craziest horse named Windy, once Windy had her foal (pepper) I had to look after her too. The sad part was, once pepper was born the school year was about to be over,  we created a bond right before I had to leave. Anyway besides the fact that taking care of animals anyway possible is my passion, I have other interests too. For example, I love writing poems mainly expressing my feelings or current situations, I mainly use writing as a way to express myself. My favorite genre of music happens to be, Rock, heavy metal, A bit screamo, Hard Rock, a little bit of EDM. I won't tell you my favourite bands because we will be here all day. My favorite move is Frozen (don't judge) I relate to Elsa in certain ways. Anyway that's a little about me.

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