Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WP1 thblog

This thblog is going to be about WP1. My thoughts on this paper. It seemed easy, yet so confusing. How we had to pick a topic such as “sports” but we didn't have to necessarily write about sports. I do sorta get the concept of conventions, but I thought this paper was about our topic’s conventions, not about the author who wrote an article relating to that said topic. I am not speaking on behalf of all my classmates, but I'm pretty sure I am not the only one who had difficulty on this assignment. I tried to include the information according to the domestic violence cases and then what conventions the author used when describing the care or what tone the offender is using.

I am aware that my organization was hella wacky. One paragraph speaking about one topic and then the next paragraph is completely different. I definitely had problems with my organization I need to sort out my information into the right paragraphs.

I did use the vocabulary that we learned throughout the course but it was brought to my attention that maybe I should of defined them a bit better. If some people didn't cite the course readings maybe they didn't know exactly the right place that the “quotes” would fit into. I know I tried to find the right quotes to use.

One thing for certain is that the comments submitted on my WP1 are extremely helpful. These comments are helping to guide my paper in the right direction for when I need to revise my paper for the portfolio. The questions that I was asked are making me questions how I can change my paper, how I can make my structure stronger.  With that being said, these helpful comments helped to minimize my confusion. But of course these are my thoughts.

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