Tuesday, November 8, 2016

PB2A Thblog

I have to admit, i enjoyed doing this assignment. PB2A was actually fun in my opinion. In a writing class it's hard to enjoy yourself when you are so busy trying to understand concepts or the meaning of conventions and genres. The coolest part of this course are finding “moves”. Why did the author write the way he or she did, what style was used. The reading “They Say, I Say” showed us how that specific author named and explain moves, it's much better to do it yourself. Finding your own “moves” in an article is like going on a textual scavenger hunt, it's really fun! I think it's even better when you get to name the moves that you found yourself.

I think it's important that we pick “moves” that stick out to us. If we found something interest and we can identify why, then it's safe to call it move. The author using a certain font is a move, why did that catch your eye and what would you name this “move”. I personally think this is very easy to comprehend, with that being said i am not implying that my PB2A is perfect but i am implying that this assignment is easy to understand.

1 comment:

  1. Santiago,

    Excellent work on your thlogs and PB2s -- especially the one on "moves." It seems to me like you've nailed this concept. I dig this part especially: "If we found something interest and we can identify why, then it's safe to call it move." Yes, exactly! It's about being to IDENTIFY the move and then EXPLAIN WHY it's a move. You got it, sister!

